Effect of Magnetic Technology of water treatment on egg production, Egg weight and Egg quality in leghorn pullets.
he study was conducted at the poultry farm, Department of animal genetics/ Ministry of science and Technology for the period between 2/10/2007-8/1/2008 to investigate the efficiency of magnetic technology of water (MTW) in egg production, egg weight and egg quality in leghorn pullets.120 pullets were randomly distributed and subjected to four treatment, (T1) represented control, and T2,T3,T4 represented treatment of MTW with strength (500,1000,1500) gauses. The results showed Significant increasing in egg production rates (H.D) and significant (P≤0.05) improvement in consumed feed and conversion, also the results had shown increase in egg weight, Haugh units, shell thickness and yolk index. The results indicated that treatment with magnetic water is a good technological method for improvement of egg production and quality.
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