Assessment of the Local Isolate ability Nocardia asteroids for production of biosurfactants and utilize Crude Oil and use mutation technology by Laser Irradiation for enhancement of their efficiency
he present study was performed to assess the ability of local isolate Nocardia asteroids to produce bioemulisifers and utilize crude oil at three concentrations (0.5,1,2) % on blue mineral salt agar and mineral salt broth. Four parameters were used to detect the production of the bioemulisifers: Diameter of dark blue halo around the colonies, the time of appearance, emulisification activity of supernatant, hydrophobicity of cell surface of suspension.The local isolate was subjected to mutation by laser irradiation at different exposure times (2,4,6,8,10,12)minutes. In this study the ability of both non mutated and mutated local isolate had been tested to utilize crude oil in soil sample was monitored through six weeks Results obtaind could be summarized as follows: The local isolate has shown the ability to emulsify crude oil as the sole carbon and energy source by bioemulisification, depending on four parameters, bioemulisifers production reaching maximum after utilizing 2% crude oil. Significant increase in production of bioemulisifers reaching maximum after, (6) minutes from exposure to Laser, depending on four parameters. Significant increase in total number of the cells in soil sample contaminated with 2% crude oil after the addition of bacterial filtrate of non mutated and mutated of local isolate.
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