Genetically transformed hairy roots producing agropine induced on Trigonella foenum-graecum L. plant by Agrobacterium rhizogenes 1601.
Inoculation of leaves and stems explants excised from field-grown Trigonella foenum-graecum L. with engineered Agrobacterium rhizogenes 1601 inoculum of optical density 1.90, 2.06 and 1.96 led to the formation of hairy roots on these explants. The highest percent of infection with inoculum of O.D 1.90 was 20% in leaves, and was 53.3% in stems using inoculum of O.D 2.06. Infection percent was 50% in hypocotyl compared with non-inoculated explants. The results showed that inoculation of seedlings lacking roots were slow in hairy root formation and take long time compared with their formation in intact seedlings inoculated with the same inocula. Results of paper electrophoresis of these root proved the incidence of their genetic transformation. Moreover, these transformed roots grow happily in liquid WP medium with an average fresh weight 5.9g after four weeks of culture, whereas fresh weight of normal roots was 1.02g under the same conditions.
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