Physiological and histological effect of aqueous and alcoholic extract of Garlic (Allium sativum) on testicular function of albino male mice treated with lead acetate
Fertility, lead acetate, Allium sativumAbstract
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of oral administration of aqueous and alcoholic extract of Allium sativum (Garlic) on testicular function in male mice exposed to lead acetate. Sixty adult (7-8) weeks old male mice were divided into six groups (10 micegroup), first and second group were administered with 150mgkg body weight BWday of aqueous and alcoholic extract of plant respectively. However, the third group was treated with 100 mgkgBWday of lead acetate. While the fourth and fifth groups were administered with 150 mgkgBWday. Of aqueous and alcoholic extract combination with 100 gmkg. BW of lead acetate. The sixth group treated with distilled water and served as control group throughout five weeks. At the end of experiment, treated animals were sacrificed and sperm were collected from caudal epidydymis to use for following tests: sperm concentration, motility, deadalive sperm and morphological abnormalities. Serum was isolated to assay for the analysis of, FSH, LH and testosterone level. The results showed a significant increase in sperm concentration, motility and decrease in dead and abnormal sperm in the group treated with aqueous and alcoholic extract of Allium sativum. However, the results showed decrease in sperm concentration, motility and increase in dead and abnormal sperm in the group treated with lead acetate. The other groups of animals groups treated with aqueous and alcoholic extract combination with lead acetate showed improvement in sperm concentration and motility compared to that treated with lead acetate The FSH, LH and testosterone level significantly increased in treated groups with aqueous and alcoholic extract of plant compared to group treated with lead acetate. It's concluded that aqueous and alcoholic extract of Allium sativum were significantly improved fertility in treated medicine compared to animals treated with lead acetate.
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