Role of Gibberellic acid in mitigating the adverse effect of sodium chloride on some grow parameters of fenugreek plant Trigonellafoenum-graecum L. by using Hydroponic Technique


  • Abbas, J.H. El-Saedi
  • SuadAbd Said Al-Jalaly
  • Amel Ghanim M. Al-Kazzaz
  • Raghad Hamed Nasser



Giberellic acid, fenugreek, Hydroponic culture


An experiment was conducted by using the nutrient solution unit in the green house of the Biology Department, College of Education Ibn Al- Haitham/ Baghdad University during the growing season of 2008-2009 by using fenugreek plant under effect of three concentrations 0,50,100 mM. Lˉ¹ of sodium chloride and four concentrations 0,25,50,100ppm of giberellic acid of studied some growth parameters of plant diameter of root, leaf chlorophyll content, number of flower and pud's,sodium and chloride concentrations in shoot The experiment was accomplished as a completely randomized design(CRD) by using three replicates including 36 plastic pots in nutrient solution unit, the results showed the increase in sodium chloride concentration from 0_100Mm.L ̄1 in nutrient solution negative effects in mentioned parameters growth above. Results also that giberellic acid showed role in decreasing the harmful effects of sodium chloride in studied parameters.




How to Cite

El-Saedi, A. J., Al-Jalaly, S. S. ., Al-Kazzaz, A. G. M. ., & Nasser, R. H. . (2014). Role of Gibberellic acid in mitigating the adverse effect of sodium chloride on some grow parameters of fenugreek plant Trigonellafoenum-graecum L. by using Hydroponic Technique. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center (JOBRC), 8(4), 7–13.



Research articles