Histopathological changes resulted exposure the common carp fish Cyprinus carpioL. to diazinon pesticide


  • Sarab R. M.
  • Russul B. A.
  • Shaimaa M. A.
  • Suha A. A.




histopathological changes, diazinon, common carp


In the present study, the effects of diazinon on Cyprinus carpio L. were investigated according to the following parameters: determination of median lethal concentration (LC50), gross pathological lesions and histopathological changes. To simulate the situation in the nature regarding the possible mode of exposure of fishes to pesticide, experiments of acute and accumulate subacute exposures were designed. For acute exposure, groups of fish were exposed to 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, 0.150, 0.200, 0.250 and 0.300)ppm, respectively for 72 hrs. at 15 C° and pH7.5 to simulate the subacute exposure, a group of fishes were exposed to 0.006 ppm as an accumulated concentration during 15 days. The most prominent results was as following the LC50 was found to be 0.150 ppm. Gross lesions and microscopically examination of tissues of acutely or chronically exposed fish after 3, 15, 30 and 45day from the end exposure was conducted the examination revealed histopathological changes in (gills, livers and kidneys) damage of all the tissues were observed as inflammatory response of fish to get rid of the toxic material also proliferation of bile duct in liver was observed.




How to Cite

M., S. R., A., R. B., A., S. M. ., & A., S. A. (2014). Histopathological changes resulted exposure the common carp fish Cyprinus carpioL. to diazinon pesticide. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center (JOBRC), 8(4), 73–78. https://doi.org/10.24126/jobrc.2014.8.4.388



Research articles