Hepatoprotactive activity of Ruta chalepensis ethanolic extract and histo-architecture of liver on CCL4 damaged albino male mice


  • Hadeel Mohamed khalaf




Medicinal plant, Liver, CCL4 , Xenobiotics


       Medicines derivative from  plants  broadly famous owing to  their  safety, obtainability  and  little Leaves, roots,  bark, kernels  and  florae of  plant  are mostly prepared that included herbal medicines.  They are administered orally, inhaled or directly applied in the skin. Ruta chalepensis is take on in the outdated medicine of many countries as a natural herb of the Mediterranean region. Pharmacological properties responsible by using phytochemical screening has shown the attendance of bioactive molecules price. The current study meant to investigate the effect of R. chalepensis ethanolic extract on liver function enzyme (Aspartate Amino-Transferase (AST), Alanine Amino-Transferase (ALT) and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) and histological examination of liver section. Obtained showed the ability of plant extract to protect liver from any xenobiotics and provided protection against CCL4 damage on albino male mice.


How to Cite

khalaf, H. M. . (2021). Hepatoprotactive activity of Ruta chalepensis ethanolic extract and histo-architecture of liver on CCL4 damaged albino male mice. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center (JOBRC), 15(1), 11–16. https://doi.org/10.24126/jobrc.2021.15.1.597



Research articles