Food-borne Viruses Common Areview of the


  • Alyaa Razooqi Hussein
  • Shaymaa S. Najim



Common, Food borne viruses, Hepatitis A virus, Norovirus , Hepatitis E virus, Rotavirus.


       Food is fundamental for the survival of all living forms. Sometimes, food gets contaminated by different types of microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminthes, at any stage of food chain. Foodborne pathogens can cause life threatening infections especially in children, elderly immune compromised individuals, and pregnant women. In current years, many viruses have been defined known as main sources of foodborne diseases. Among these, Hepatitis A, HepatitisE, Rotaviruses etc.The aim of the study was to investigate on common food borne viruses, foods that transmitted them, symptoms that appear on infected people & protection methods.

Viruses are transmitted via food, water, inanimate objects and person-to-person contact.The significance of foodborne viruses is progressively more documented as causes of infection in humans. People usually acquire infection orally, after swallowing of polluted foods throughout processing, handling or preparation. Each type of foodborne viruses initiated from the personal gut, and pollution of food happens either by an infected food handler throughout preparation or by contact with sewage or contaminated water. Numerous outbreakes of foodborne viral disease are related with the pollution of ready for consumption foods via the infection of food handlers.


How to Cite

Hussein , A. R. ., & Najim, S. S. (2021). Food-borne Viruses Common Areview of the. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center (JOBRC), 15(1), 17–24.



Research articles