تاثير المبيد Oxamyl في الوراثة الخلوية للخلايا اللمفاوية للدم المحيطي في الانسان


  • Basheer I . Azawei
  • Zahra M . Al-Khafaji
  • Nahi Y. Yassein




The effect of of carbamate pesticides (Oxamyl) on some parameters of cytogenetics of human peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied. These parameters were induction of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and it's types; and formation of Micronuclei (Mn); in addition to estimating the mitotic index (MI) of cultured cells. The concentrations used were (0.1, 0.5, 5, 25, 50) × 10 -5 M which were added to lymphocyte cultures. Results indicated that the concentrations induced the CAs as the concentrations increased with positive correlation coefficient (r = + 0.904). Abnormalities in the control treatment were mainly as chromosomal breaks , these increased to 2 , 4 , 4 , 10 , 18 respectively and were with significant differences compared to control treatment (P<0.01) . Dicentric chromosomes appeared with 2 % level at concentration 25 × 10 -5 M , the latter abnormality raised to 4 % at concentration 50 × 10 -5 M in addition to the appearance of acentric chromosomes (1 % ), all of them were with significant differences (P<0.01). Micronuclei (Mn) increased in cells as the concentrations increased with positive correlation coefficient (r = + 0.983), and the highest value recorded at concentration 50 × 10 -5 M (6.66 %). MI had no significant difference from the control treatment (P>0.01), but started to decline at concentrations 5, 25, 50 × 10 -5 M and the values were 1.77, 1.5, 1.33 respectively compared to control treatment (2.5) with significant difference (P<0.01).




How to Cite

Azawei, B. I. . ., Al-Khafaji, Z. M. . ., & Yassein, N. Y. . (2009). تاثير المبيد Oxamyl في الوراثة الخلوية للخلايا اللمفاوية للدم المحيطي في الانسان. Journal of Biotechnology Research Center, 3(2), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.24126/jobrc.2009.3.2.61



Research articles