Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on IVF outcome in Mice : Experimental model for mammals
Glycyrrhiza glabra, IVF, Fertilization rate, embryonic development in vitroAbstract
Objective: To evaluate and examine the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract (GgE) on the fertilization rate and embryonic development in vitro using the mice as a model for mammals. Design: Prospective study. Methods: Seven hundred forty ova were collected from superovulated ( SUO) females mice .Glycyrrhiza glabra extract was prepared and used for in vitro activation of caudal epididymal sperm . In vitro fertilization was performed using both 10% GgE mixed with IVF medium for 367 ova (treated group) and IVF medium alone for 373 ova(Control group) . Fertilization rate and normal development of different early embryonic cleavages stages was recorded. Results : There was a significant ( P<0 .05) increase in the fertilization rate (FR ) of SUO mice oocytes (53.89%)by using 10% GgE Compared to IVF medium alone in SUO group(36.82%) . Addition of 10% GgE to the IVF medium, the number of 2-cell and 4-cell embryonic stages of SUO mice was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of control mice embryos cultured with IVF medium alone (60% and 60% Vs. 51% and 54%, respectively). Conclusion: The investigation showed that the Glycyrrhiza glabra extract may contain many growth factors, and energy sources that supporting the FR and normal development of early cleavage stages of mice embryos in vitro .This result can be utilized for IVF program in mammals.
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